首頁 / 師資介紹 / 專任教師 / 智慧機器人
彭成瑜Cheng-Yu Peng
職  稱
副教授 Associate Professor
學  歷
國立臺北科技大學機電科技博士 PhD., Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology/ 國立臺灣科技大學電機工程博士 PhD., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Technology
信  箱
電  話
+886-4-2392-4505 ext.7342
研 究 室
工程館 E618/ 智慧光機電系統研究室 Engineering Building, Room 618 (Intelligent Opto-Mechatronic System Laboratory)
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專  長


Optoelectronic Sensor and Supervisory Control Systems, Optoelectronic Precision Measurement for Machine Tools, Computer Stereo Vision, Automation and System Integration, Robot and Mechatronics, Power Automation, RFID AIoT, Energy Management and Artificial Intelligence Applications, Electromagnetics and Thin Film Technology, Photovoltaic Technology




  星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日
  • 國立勤益科技大學電子工程系/助理教授、副教授 (2017.08~迄今)
  • 工業技術研究院/綠能與環境研究所/研究員、資深研究員、計畫主持人、經理 (2007.08~2017.07)
  • Assistant Professor,Associate Professor
  • /Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology (20017.08~)
  • Researcher, Senior Researcher, Project Director, Department Manager
    /Department Manager Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) (2007.08~2017.07)

Cheng-Yu Peng received the Ph. D. degree in Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering FR0M National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, in 2007. He was a senior researcher and department manager at Green Energy and Enviroment Institute, Industrial Technology Research Institute, FR0M 2007 to 2017. Since 2017, he has become a faculty member in Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology. His current research interests primarily involve smart sensor and supervisory control, intelligent robotics, opto-electrical precision measurement, automation and mechatronics, power automation, solar energy and engineering applications.


Smart Sensor and Supervisory Control for Intelligent Robotics, Opto-Electrical Precision Measurement for Machine Tools, Automation and Mechatronics, Energy Management and Engineer Applications

Smart Sensor and Supervisory Control for Intelligent Robotics, Optomechatronic Integration Engineering for Machine Tools, Opto-Electrical Precision Measurement, Automation and Mechatronics, Non-Destructive Displaying Defects Technology, IoT Application(Mechatronics, Automation and Data Analysis), Energy Management and Engineer Application

         手臂3指夾菇包                                          機器視覺辨識香菇                                        RFID遠距智慧貨架
https://youtu.be/-SCvv48PPCY      https://youtu.be/8ctc94-SYpo      https://youtu.be/1YDglmijpr8      https://youtu.be/wi1QC4LWsHk      


Idustrial Robot System and Application, Intelligent Robotics, Smart Mechatronics Practice, Smart Sensor and Supervisory Control System/Practice, Mechatronics, Design of Human-Machine Interface, Fuzzy Control, Power Electronics, Computer Program, Industrial Electronics, Physics
發表年月 ▼  著作名稱 ▼  收錄出處
2016/09  太陽能系統的戶外非破壞性檢測技術  工業材料雜誌 
2015/09  高輸出功率太陽光電模組技術發展趨勢  工業材料雜誌 
  1. Cheng-Yu Peng*, Ully Raihany, Shu-Wei Kuo, Yen-Zuo Chen,“Sound Detection Monitoring Tool in CNC Milling Sounds by K-Means Clustering Algorithm”, Sensors, Vol.21, No.13, pp.4288, 2021 (SCI, IF=3.576, ranking=21.875%, R/C=14/64, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
  2. Cheng-Yu Peng, Cheng-Chien Kuo, Chih-Ta Tsai,“Optimal Configuration with Capacity Analysis of PV-Plus-BESS for Behind-the-Meter Application”, Applied Sciences, Vol.11, No.17, pp.7851, 2021 (SCI, IF=2.7, ranking=37.640%, R/C=67/178, ENGINEERING,MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
  3. Shang-Yeh Wen, Cheng-Yu Peng*, Ully Raihany, Cheng-Chien Kuo,“Wearable Bracelet Using Radio Frequency Identification Tag with Antenna Directly Printed on Paper”, Sensors and Materials, Vol.34, No.6, pp.2479-2491 2022 (SCI, IF=0.879, ranking=91.884%, R/C=317/345, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
  4. Hsiung-Cheng Lin, Bo-Ren Yu, Jen-Yu Wang, Jun-Ze Lai, Jia-yang Wu, Cheng-Yu Peng, Chi-Chun Chen,“Realisation of three-dimensional geometric model in case of bike frame measurement”, IET Circuits Devices & Systems, Vol.14, Iss.5, pp.713-719, 2020 (SCI, IF=1.297, ranking=80.952%, R/C=221/273, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC).
  5. Yu-Wei Lee, Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo, Wei-Han Weng, Chao-Yang Huang, Cheng-Yu Peng, “Dynamic Modeling and Entity Validation of a Photovoltaic System”, Applied Energy, Vol.200, pp.370-382, 2017 (SCI, IF=11.2, ranking=6.962%, R/C=11/158, ENGINEERING, ENGINEERING,CHEMICAL).
  6. Ming-Jong Tsai, Szu-Yu Chen, Ru-Bing Huang, Cheng-Yu Peng, “Quality Evaluation and Prediction of PV Modules by Utilizing LM-Based Back Propagation Neural Network”, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.37, No.5, pp.479-486, 2016 (SCI, IF=0.2, ranking=97.952%, R/C=174/178, ENGINEERING,MECHANICAL).
  7. Lee-May Huang, Chih-Wei Hu, Cheng-Yu Peng, Chuang Heng Su, Kuo-Chuan Ho, “Integration of Polyelectrolyte Based Electrochromic Material in Printable Photovoltaic Electrochromic Device,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 145, pp.69-75, 2016 (SCI, IF=6.9, ranking=21.854%, R/C=33/151, ENERGY&FUELS).
  8. Jung-Hui Chao, Cheng-Yu Peng, “High-Efficiency Solar Electricity of Umbrella by TRIZ Analysis,” Energy and Power Engineering, 8, pp.51-61 2016.
  9. 吳尚錏, 吳登峻, 李思賢,彭成瑜*, “行動太陽光電測試實驗室”, 科儀新知, Vol.2021, No.227, pp.96-109, 2021 (國家實驗研究院/台灣儀器科技研究中心出版).
  10. 詹宗樺, 盧冠伍, 謝卓帆,彭成瑜*, “ 金能獎太陽光電產品的高性能及可靠度驗證技術”, 工業材料雜誌, Vol.2021, No.417, pp.147-155, 2021 (工業技術研究院出版).
  11. 彭成瑜*、溫尚燁、黃兆平、盧政穎、詹麒璋、徐春明、張貴維、林福銘,“太陽能系統的戶外非破壞性檢測技術”,工業材料雜誌, Vol.2016, No.357, pp.122-129 2016 (工業技術研究院出版).
  1. Shi-Peng Chen, Cheng-Yu Peng, Guo-Shing Huang, Chun-Chi Lai, Chi-Chun Chen, Meng-Hua Yen, “ Quantity Analysis of Solar Modules Based on Aerial Images”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems(COINS), Berlin, Germany, July 25, 2023.
  2. Chao-Wei Ou, Cheng-Yu Peng*, Han-Chang Liu, Guo-Shing Huang, Chi-Chun Chen, Meng-Hua Yen, “ Comparison of 2D and 3D LiDARs Trajectories and AMCL Positioning in ROS-Based move_base Navigation”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems(COINS), Berlin, Germany, July 25, 2023.
  3. Yen-Zuo Chen, Tuan-Jung Chang, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“ Optimal Sensing Position Correction and Indoor Positioning of RFID tags”, 16th Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2022), Jun. 2 2022.
  4. Min-Long Tsai, Hsia-Ping Lan, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“ The Circular Tube Identification and Orientation with Plane Correction by Robotic Machine Vision and Path Planning of KNN Algorithm”, 16th Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2022), Jun. 2 2022.
  5. Shang-Ya Wu, Hsia-Ping Lan, Cho-Fan Hsieh, Kao-Chi Lin, Pin-Yu Yeh, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“Determination of the Height of 3D Objects by Moire Measurement”, 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Fall Virtual Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2021-Fall), Nov. 24 2021.
  6. Zong-Hua Zhan, Hsia-Ping Lan, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“Initial Position Detection of Multiple Areas Only One RFID Reader for Smart Shelves”, 15th Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2021), Jun. 4 2021.
  7. Zhi-Tong Yan, Hsia-Ping Lan, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“SDK Field Control to 7 Robotic Arms by LAN Communication”, 15th Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2021), Jun. 4 2021.
  8. Ully Raihany, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“Sound Analysis of Monitoring Drilling Machine Process by Rotating RFID Tag”, 15th Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2021), Jun. 4 2021.
  9. Shu-Wei Kuo, Ully Raihany, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“Sound Detection of CNC Milling Machine by Embedded System”, 2020 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C2020), Nov. 13 2020.
  10. Chun-Kuan Chao, Shang-Ya Wu, Zhi-Tong Yan, Min-Long Tsai, Chia-Chi Hsu, Ully Raihany, Cheng-Yu Peng*,“Robotic Arm Combined with the Visual Images in a Transparent Object Recognition”, 2020 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C2020), Nov. 13 2020.
  • 計畫與產學合作
    計畫名稱  補助或委託機構  起訖日期  計畫內擔任工作 
    建構自行車車架三維多點快速移動量檢系統(108-2637-E-167-001-) 科技部 2019/08/01~
    太陽能電廠之智慧型故障診斷與運維系統研製-總計畫暨子計畫一:運用人工智慧與大數據分析於太陽能電池之故障診斷與運維系統研製(107-2221-E-011-116-) 科技部 2018/08/01~
    太陽能電廠之智慧型故障診斷與運維系統研製-子計畫三:運用螢光影像檢測技術於太陽光電模組串列之故障診斷與運維系統研製(107-2221-E-167-016-) 科技部 2018/08/01~

    計畫名稱  補助或委託機構  起訖日期  計畫內擔任工作 
    模組材料量測與系統模擬分析計畫 同昱能源科技股份有限公司 2017/09/01~2018/07/31 計畫主持人
    高佔比離網型太陽光電系統開發與驗證測試計畫 安華機電工程股份有限公司 2017/03/01~2018/02/28 計畫主持人
    增強光捕捉之太陽光電模組專利授權契約 同昱能源科技股份有限公司 2016/01/01~2016/12/31 計畫主持人
    智慧型增益模組測試與驗證計畫 錸德科技股份有限公司 2016/01/01~2016/12/31 計畫主持人
    半電池增益模組評價與測試驗證計畫 同昱能源科技股份有限公司 2016/01/01~2016/12/31 計畫主持人
    多電極高效率太陽能模組之封裝損失評價與測試驗證計畫 同昱能源科技股份有限公司 2015/01/01~2015/12/31 計畫主持人
    智慧機器人創意應用培訓專案訓練 紐芬蘭事業有限公司 2018/10/01~2018/12/31 共同主持人
    AI機器人人才培訓專案訓練 紐芬蘭事業有限公司 2019/03/01~2019/06/30 共同主持人
    AI科技新創人才培訓專案訓練 紐芬蘭事業有限公司 2019/07/01~2019/11/30 共同主持人
    AI機器人與數據分析應用培訓專案訓練 紐芬蘭事業有限公司 2019/11/01~2020/02/29 共同主持人
    專利類別  專利名稱  專利國家  專利號碼  專利期間  專利發明人  專利權人 
    發明專利 增強光捕捉之太陽光電模組 中華民國 發明第I474492號 201502~203107 彭成瑜, 黃中騰, 林福銘 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽電池光電模組 中華民國 發明第I462306號 201412~202901 彭成瑜, 賴瑞千, 葉芳耀 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 遮光光捕捉太陽電池模組 中華民國 發明第I452711號 201409~203204 彭成瑜, 林福銘, 黃中騰 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 Solar cell module and surface layer thereof 日本 5595006 201408~202910 彭成瑜, 賴瑞千, 葉芳耀 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽光電模組封裝結構及其製造方法 中華民國 發明第I445194號 201312~203012 彭成瑜, 黃建榮, 賴瑞千 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽光電模組封裝疊層結構及其製造方法 中華民國 發明第I419342號 201312~203006 彭成瑜, 李文貴, 黃中騰 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽光電模塊封裝疊層結构及其制造方法 中國大陸 ZL201010222161.7 201309~203006 彭成瑜, 李文貴, 黃中騰 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽光電模塊及其表面層 中國大陸 ZL200910165543.8 201306~202907 彭成瑜, 賴瑞千, 葉芳耀 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 太陽模塊封裝結構 中國大陸 ZL200910137725.4 201304~202904 彭成瑜, 黃建榮, 葉芳耀 工業技術研究院
    發明專利 具有叠层压花结构的可折叠式太阳能板与太阳能遮阳装置 中國大陸 ZL201020249419.8 201103~202006 彭成瑜, 李文貴, 黃中騰 工業技術研究院


    System Integration for Robot Applications: Smart Sensor and Supervisory Control, Intelligent System/Industrial Robot, Intelligent Energy System, Application Research of Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms


    1. 107學年度大專學生研究計畫研究報告”,科技部大專學生研究創作獎,學生:郭書維,指導老師:彭成瑜,2019年9月。
    2. “2018無人機及智慧製造自造者衛星基地Maker培育/國立高雄科技大學”,科技部南部科學園區管理局競賽優等獎(第二名),參賽題目:CNC震動即時檢測系統,參賽學生:郭書維, 吳泓毅, 吳尚錏, 許庭祥, 吳承晏,指導老師:彭成瑜,2018年9月29日。
    3. “2018無人機及智慧製造自造者衛星基地Maker培育/國立高雄科技大學”,科技部南部科學園區管理局競賽自造獎,參賽題目:太陽能板健檢無人機,參賽學生:趙峻寬, 顏志同, 蔡承宏, 張皓鈞,指導老師:彭成瑜,2018年9月29日。
    4. “2018 3D列印主題創作競賽”,經濟部工業局3D列印主題競賽佳作,參賽題目:Maker機器人,參賽學生:黃于蘋、李佳璇,指導老師:彭成瑜,2018年10月04日。
    5. “第24屆TDK盃全國大專校院創思設計與製作競賽”,教育部競賽自動組第三名,參賽學生:王大瑋、鄭翔駿、陳凱杰、林祐任,指導老師:彭成瑜、唐光輝,2020年12月11日。
    6. “2021全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創意競賽”,教育部競賽智慧機器組佳作,參賽題目:全3D雙眼視覺工件堆疊分類系統,參賽學生:呂思穎柯佐勳賴煜暐吳茂宗,指導老師:彭成瑜,2021年12月17日。
    7. “2019全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創意競賽”,教育部競賽智慧機器組佳作,參賽題目:智慧機器視覺之機械手臂分類系統,參賽學生:黃于蘋、李佳璇、蔡承宏、張皓鈞,指導老師:彭成瑜,2021年12月17日。
    8. “2020年機器⼈智機化應⽤競賽”,經濟部競賽佳作,參賽題目:內建視覺辨識的工業機械手臂,參賽人:吳尚錏、趙峻寬、顏志同、蔡旻龍、許家齊、,指導老師:彭成瑜,2020年8月22日。
    9. “2020年機器⼈智機化應⽤競賽”,經濟部競賽佳作,參賽題目:機械手臂自動追抓AGV之裝載物體,參賽人:王大瑋、林祐暘,指導老師:彭成瑜,2020年8月22日。
    10. 2021太陽光電創新應用產品設計競賽”,經濟部工業局、工業技術研究院競賽第一名,參賽題目:自供電IoT之PV浪板模組-以農棚應用為例,參賽人:詹宗樺、吳登峻、謝卓帆、黎宇泰、吳尚錏,指導老師:彭成瑜,2021年10月28日。


    1. 國立勤益科技大學『教學傑出教師』(2022)。
    2. 國立勤益科技大學『輔導服務傑出教師』(2022)。
    3. 科技部大專學生計畫研究創作獎,學生:郭書維,指導老師:彭成瑜(2019)。
    4. 經濟部國家發明創作獎獲『專利銀牌』(2013)

    4.實驗室成員 GR0UP/Current Members

    Asst. Prof./ Dr. Cheng-Yu Peng 

    Cheng-Yu Peng received the Ph. D. degree in Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering FR0M National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, in 2007. He was a senior researcher and department manager at Green Energy and Enviroment Institute, Industrial Technology Research Institute, FR0M 2007 to 2017. Since 2017, he has become an assistant professor in Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology. His current research interests primarily involve smart sensor and supervisory control, intelligent robotics, opto-electrical precision measurement, automation and mechatronics, solar energy and engineering applications.

    Graduate Students

    Ms. Ully Raihany (4a813033@gm.student.ncut.edu.tw)

    Ully Raihany was  received her B.A.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering of Electrical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Indonesia, in 2019. She is currently studying for her Master degree in Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University Technology, Taiwan. She is a member of the ICT laboratory and her research interest are Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sound detection. She published a proceeding journal with title Savers Keychain Prototype as a Location and Hazard Information Notification through Email and also a conference paper with title Sound Detection of CNC Milling Machine by Embedded System.

    Mr. Yen-Zuo Chen (s4a913019@student.ncut.edu.tw) 

    Yen-Zuo Chen was  received his B.S. degree in Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin Yi University of Technology, Taiwan, in 2019. He is currently studying for Master degree in Institute of Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. He is a member of the ICT laboratory and participates in research on data analysis and electromechanical integration practices. The research field is mainly about the integration and application of robotic arms and various sensors.

    BS. Students

    Mr. Shu-Wei Kuo (t108318008@ntut.org.tw) 

    Shu-Wei Kuo was  received his B.S. degree in Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin Yi University of Technology, Taiwan, in 2019. He is currently studying for Master degree in Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. His main research areas are diagnosis, protection and prevention for mechatronics and power system.